Fat experiences

The weight is slowing me down

After gaining almost 150 lbs so far, I can tell you I notice it!

I feel a LOT slower. I walk with my feeder/partner every night for over an hour to get some exercise, and she notices it too. We don't walk quite as far in that time as we used to.

Stairs are the worst, though. I used to rush up or down flights of stairs, and now I'm just trudging up and down.

And everything jiggles, which is a change that I love!
9 years

The weight is slowing me down

Oh man, I used to be so active running 5-10 miles a day, lifting weights and generally exercising 2 hours a day. I've slowed down so much with the 60-80 lbs I've packed on. I can barely jog much, everything jiggles, and I noticed just now that I got out of breath going up a flight of stairs. It's a little embarrassing but it feels so good smiley
9 years